Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Still remember this song?

Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday,
I've, got a lot of things to learn,
Said I would and I believe in one day,
Before my heart starts to burn.

So whats the matter with you,
Sing me something new,
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know,
They only seem to come and go, away.

Times are hard when things have got no meaning,
I've found a key upon the floor,
Maybe you and I will not believe in,
The thing we find behind the door.

So whats the matter with you,
Sing me something new,
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know,
They only seem to come and go away.

Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows,
Yeah nobody knows,
The way its gonna be.

If your leaving will you take me with you,
I'm tired of talking on my phone,
There is one thing I can never give you,
My heart will never be your home,

So whats the matter with you,
Sing me something new,
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know,
They only seem to come and go, away.

Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows, yeah nobody knows,
The way its gonna be.

The way its gonna be, yeah.
Maybe I can see, yeah,
But don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go, away.

Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way its gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows,
Yeah God only knows,
The way its gonna be.

*It's Stand By Me by Oasis!


星期日, 一整天很担心很担心很担心星期一的两个presentations+mid term exam+assignment submission。星期日的晚上简直是快疯了,到了差不多要睡了才决定把所有的烦恼都丢掉,匆去房间睡觉!!但是也没睡好。*叹气* 不管怎样,一切都结束了!!恐怖的星期一已经过了!!万岁!!我要放假了!!要去槟城了!!要去新加坡了!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I wish...........

I wish mum is here preparing food for me so I don't have to worry about food when I'm all stressed out and I won't have the feeling of skipping any meals and so I won't feel even more stressed out and I will face my days happier and I can sleep in peace during night and I can do other things as well,not just focusing on doing one particular thing for most of the time and stop being sick and tired of everything NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!I kinda regret for not booking any ticket to go home during my one week Raya break now!!
S.A.V.E M.E!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hansiean's 20th Birthday!

Dominos Pizza + Birthday Cake + A1101 = Hansiean's Birthday!

Monday, September 15, 2008


我做了一场梦.....放学了,我背着ROXY背包沿着熟悉的路走,要上车回家了。一路上看进整排的课室, 里面都是一张张陌生的面孔。感觉就像整间学校只有我自己一个人,没有任何我认识的人,但是那种放学回家的感觉还在,就是同一种感觉。走走走,看到妈妈的车来了,当我正准备要上车时,视线开始变得很模糊,不知不觉我醒了。当我正想起来,脑袋里只想着快换上校服下楼时,张大眼睛四周看.....“这是哪里?!”...发现这里不是我的家, 赶紧闭上眼睛希望这只是一场梦,再开眼睛就是在家了。但.....不管我再怎么闭眼开眼都改变不了自己再也回不去那年的事实。心里一直一直不由自主地念着“再也回不去了......再也回不去了......再也回不去了.....再也回不去了......!!!!!” 为什么现实就这么让我不爽!!!我要把时间倒转!!!我要抄习题!!我要抄笔记!!!我要回到2007!!!2008 很累人!!很难过!!很讨人厌!!我现在很很很不爽!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Stress is in Me.

All of a sudden, the stress is on me. What I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really, a thousand times really, want to do now is close my eyes and wake up finding myself at H.O.M.E!!I wanna run away, far far far far far away from here!!Away from this crazy world!!Away from this sick-and-tired-of-everything feel!!Away~!Away~!Away~!Up up and away~!

My daddy isn't coming in October anymoreeee.....

*Two more weeks I'm off to Penang!

*Three more weeks I'm off to Singapore!

Saturday, September 13, 2008



多么难忘 是你纯真的模样
突然的吻 弥漫着茶香
多么向往 梦想总是在他方
你说等我 不管多漫长

你就是月亮 蒸发了彷徨
所以挖开土壤 种下希望

看着你的眼眶 忍着泪 闪着光
我会很快回来 继续我们 未完的天堂
看着你的脸庞 微笑着 要我去闯
你的盼望 是我握在手中 小小月亮

念念不忘 此刻应该是农忙
如画风光 有你在歌唱

你就是月亮 照亮了方向
你让地球旋转 月亮发光

看着你的眼眶 忍着泪 闪着光
我会很快回来 继续我们 未完的天堂
看着你的脸庞 微笑着 要我去闯
你的盼望是我 握在手中 小小月亮

看着你的眼眶 忍着泪 闪着光
我会很快回来 继续我们 未完的天堂
看着你的脸庞 微笑着 要我去闯
你的盼望是我 握在手中 小小月亮

看着你的眼眶 忍着泪 闪着光
我会很快回来 继续我们 未完的天堂
看着你的脸庞 微笑着 要我去闯
你的盼望是我 握在手中 小小月亮

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ta-ta busy week~!

My busy week is finally over! From last Friday until this morning, I had been rushing assignment and models till late night and even didn't sleep for two nights. And NOW!I'm FREE for the moment!I'm gonna enjoy my weekend!!!!!!!!*CHEERS*

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friends Are The Best!

Friends always stand at your side, fight back for you no matter what and love you always! My friends! They fought for what was right for me!!Well not only my friends but also my sister la.hahaha...Horrible group mates I have....Backstabbers they are...It all started because of a Si Kepo guy and a Si Kakak who has the I'm-so-hot-like face!!Shit......Slap her slap her slap her slap her slap her!!!!!!!!!!!!!Disgusting bitch!!The worst thing that a group mate can do is telling others that you didn't do anything for the group work when you actually did and they are the ones who didn't do much!!If it wasn't for Ting and Sheryl who have the courage to speak up for the innocent ones, I think I'd just ended up letting the bitches be.Anyway, I wanna say......I LOVE Sheryl!!!!Ting!!!Wendy!!!!Liancy!!!!Chua!!!!Great friends and sister!!hahahahaaha

Friday, September 5, 2008


OMG!!I keep having dreams of me owning an Apple Macbook!! And every time I have that kind of dream, I'm always trying to get back into the dream when I woke up which is very stupid. H.E.L.P!!


梁静茹 - 如果能在一起
词:黄婷 曲:黄荻钧

你的小心 我的呼吸
和笑眯眯 陪我未来的风雨

你的小心 我的呼吸
会更美丽 就像函馆的夜景

和笑眯眯 陪我未来的风雨
会更美丽 就像函馆的夜景

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I have a Bimbo lecturer!

First thing that comes to your mind is that the lecturer is a SHE but nah!He's a HE!Imagine it!A HE bimbo!yucks!He speaks in a totally bimbo-tic way and sits in a totally bimbo-tic way as well, with the finger pointing here and there when speaking. He thinks he's all that! Ahhhhh!I hate being in his class!*faint*