Remember the books of A Series of Unfortunate Events?Where Count Olaf keeps coming back in each of the stories after every kind of escapes with different kinds of hilarious disguises?Well, there has been a series of unfortunate events happening to my life lately. It comes to me in different kinds of disguises too. It has made me lose hope, see clearer and clearer of the REAL person in the people around me, the urge of giving up my dream(which is also the dream of the people I care and love) , etc. Things just happened out of expectations and the only thing you can do is just to move on, to get through it. But it still takes a long long time to heal the heart when you've tried so hard and things just turned out to be worse than expected. Lucky to Klaus, Violet and Sunny that they are in it together.
I'm all alone in this war.
I don't believe in "Don't Worry, You Can Do It." ( It has ALWAYS turned out to be my kind of curse to make things worse or addition to more unfortunate events to my life.)
I only believe in "Just Keep Trying."
If you really mean the whole heart of you to encourage people, I think "Just Keep Trying" has the stronger sense of giving the person to just keep following the heart and enjoy anything that happens along the way. I think it means more than "Don't Worry, You Can Do It.". It sounds more sarcastic. Even the sentence gives me a feeling of an end. -ing is better. c:
To: My Series of Unfortunate Events
I don't give a shit of you coming in ANY disguises anymore. You are just YOU. Any kind of disguises won't change the way I hate you. You'll go down eventually one day! *piak*
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